[Pacemaker] strange error in crm status

Andreas Kurz andreas at hastexo.com
Wed Jan 18 10:10:38 UTC 2012

Hello Attila,

On 01/18/2012 10:17 AM, Attila Megyeri wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> Thanks for the direction.
> Indeed a strange node appeared in my CIB, in XML representation.
> node cvmgr \
>         attributes standby="off"
> node psql1 \
>         attributes pgsql-data-status="LATEST" standby="off"
> node psql2 \
>         attributes pgsql-data-status="STREAMING|SYNC" standby="off"
> xml <node id="r="web1" election-id="230"/>" type="normal" uname="r="web1" election-id="230"/>"/>
> node red1 \
>         attributes standby="off"
> node red2 \
>         attributes standby="off"
> node web1 \
>         attributes standby="off"
> node web2 \
>         attributes standby="off"
> Can I delete it safely? The real web is there below it and no resource seems to be using this one...
> I wonder how this node got there...

I would dump the cib with cibadmin, remove the erroneous node from the
node section, run a ptest or crm_simulate on the modified cib and then
... if all is fine (no unwanted resource movements or other events) ...
replace the old cib with cibadmin -R ...

Or try to remove it from within crm shells edit mode ... really strange,
looks like a snippet from the status section ....

> Thanks for your help

You are welcome!


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