[Pacemaker] cmrd problem when building from source

David Vossel dvossel at redhat.com
Mon Jan 30 03:19:18 UTC 2012


I'm interested in contributing to pacemaker, but I am having a little trouble getting pacemaker going from source. Everything works great for me using the FC16 packages though :)

Right now I'm building both corosync and pacemaker from the current head of their git master branches. Maybe this isn't even recommended for development purposes and I should be taking a different approach... If that's the case stop me here and we'll start with that.

The problem I'm having is occurring in the crmd process. For some reason it appears to be in some unrecoverable state on initialization that results in it constantly shutting down and getting brought back up.  Eventually pacemaker stops re-launching crmd and it doesn't appear in my process list anymore.

Below is the log messages pertaining to the crmd process terminating.  The "We're not part of this cluster anymore" seems to be where the problem starts.  Does anyone know what would cause something like this to occur?

--- LOGS
Jan 28 16:05:52 pcmk-2 crmd[28234]:   notice: init_quorum_connection: Quorum acquired
Jan 28 16:05:52 pcmk-2 crmd[28234]:     info: do_ha_control: Connected to the cluster
Jan 28 16:05:52 pcmk-2 crmd[28234]:     info: do_started: Delaying start, no membership data (0000000000100000)
Jan 28 16:05:52 pcmk-2 crmd[28234]:   notice: crmd_peer_update: Status update: Client pcmk-2/crmd now has status [online] (DC=)
Jan 28 16:05:52 pcmk-2 crmd[28234]:     info: crm_update_peer: Node pcmk-2: id=343582912 state=unknown addr=(null) votes=0 born=0 seen=0 proc=00000000000000000000000000111312 (new)
Jan 28 16:05:52 pcmk-2 crmd[28234]:     info: pcmk_quorum_notification: Membership 0: quorum retained (0)
Jan 28 16:05:52 pcmk-2 crmd[28234]:    error: check_dead_member: We're not part of the cluster anymore
Jan 28 16:05:52 pcmk-2 crmd[28234]:     info: do_state_transition: State transition S_STARTING -> S_RECOVERY [ input=I_ERROR cause=C_FSA_INTERNAL origin=check_dead_member ]
Jan 28 16:05:52 pcmk-2 crmd[28234]:    error: do_recover: Action A_RECOVER (0000000001000000) not supported
Jan 28 16:05:52 pcmk-2 crmd[28234]:    error: do_started: Start cancelled... S_RECOVERY
Jan 28 16:05:52 pcmk-2 crmd[28234]:     info: do_state_transition: State transition S_RECOVERY -> S_TERMINATE [ input=I_TERMINATE cause=C_FSA_INTERNAL origin=do_recover ]
Jan 28 16:05:52 pcmk-2 crmd[28234]:     info: do_lrm_control: Disconnected from the LRM
Jan 28 16:05:52 pcmk-2 crmd[28234]:   notice: terminate_ais_connection: Disconnecting from AI

-- David

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