[Pacemaker] Upstart resources

Vladislav Bogdanov bubble at hoster-ok.com
Thu Feb 16 04:23:01 UTC 2012


16.02.2012 02:02, Jake Smith wrote:
> When using upstart jobs in Pacemaker I haven't been able to find
> much of anything for documentation. After reading a post a few minutes ago by
> Andreas I wanted to verify...
> Are upstart jobs expected to conform to the LSB spec with regards to exit codes, etc?
> Is there any reference documentation using upstart resources in Pacemaker?
> Or any good advice :-)

Newer versions of pacemaker and lrmd are able to deal with upstart
resources via dbus.
However I do not like this way, so please find resource-agent attached,
which is able to manage arbitrary upstart job (just like Anything but
for upstart resources). It already saved me much time and nerves
managing libvirtd (with my own upstart job) which you probably already
know always wants to SIGABRT (btw I even know the main reason for that
and now testing patch which I will hopefully send to libvirt ml).

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