[Pacemaker] Doc: Utilization and Placement Strategy

Gao,Yan ygao at suse.com
Wed Feb 8 11:11:14 UTC 2012


The feature "Utilization and Placement Strategy" has been provided for
quite some time. But it still missing a documentation. (Florian reminded
us, thanks a lot!).

The attached documentation are based on a blog by Andrew and the
material from SUSE HAE guide written by Tanja Roth and Thomas Schraitle.
I added the details about the resource allocation strategy.

One is crm shell syntax version, the other is XML syntax version for

If you are interested, please help review it. Any comments or revisions
are welcome and appreciated!

Gao,Yan <ygao at suse.com>
Software Engineer
China Server Team, SUSE.
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