[Pacemaker] Help on setting order of resources

Adrian Gibanel adrian.gibanel at btactic.com
Sun Aug 19 16:22:54 UTC 2012

Ok. Now the order of resources seems to work as I first expected. 

I seem to have other problems which I'll comment later probably in a new thread if I'm not able to deal with them. 

Thank you again! 

----- Mensaje original -----

> De: "Adrian Gibanel" <adrian.gibanel at btactic.com>
> Para: "The Pacemaker cluster resource manager"
> <pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org>
> Enviados: Domingo, 19 de Agosto 2012 10:27:34
> Asunto: Re: [Pacemaker] Help on setting order of resources

> Now that I'm reading about that it makes sense. So it removes my idea
> of: Colocation = Put in the same machine/server.

> I copy and paste from Configuration Explained pdf:

> ---
> Well, I'm going to try to reverse the "order" in the colocation
> statement.

> Now it makes sense why insisted me on setting up resources inside
> groups. It seems that makes things easier indeed.

> Thank you!
> ----- Mensaje original -----

> > De: "Jake Smith" <jsmith at argotec.com>
> > Para: "The Pacemaker cluster resource manager"
> > <pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org>, Pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org
> > Enviados: Domingo, 19 de Agosto 2012 6:00:16
> > Asunto: Re: [Pacemaker] Help on setting order of resources

> > One thing I see after looking quickly is it looks like the
> > collocation statement is backwards.
> > You want MyZimbra to run where ZimbraDataClone:Master runs and
> > ZimbraDataClone: Master to run where MySystem runs correct ?

> > Collocation is like saying on or with between each resource and is
> > usually the opposite order of the similar/matching order statement:

> > colocation everything-together inf: MyZimbra ZimbraDataClone:Master
> > MySystem

> > The above is like saying MyZimbra with ZimbraDataClone: Master with
> > MySystem

> > There may be more things that need work but that's what I saw after
> > a
> > quick look


Adrián Gibanel 
I.T. Manager 

+34 675 683 301 

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