[Pacemaker] Pacemaker on CentOS 5.6 & CentOS 6.0

Florian Haas f.g.haas at gmx.net
Tue Sep 6 06:37:47 UTC 2011

On 09/03/11 09:42, sdr(friedrich reichhart) wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'm working in a cluster with CentOS 5 & 6
> Storage01 - Centos5
> Sotrage02 - Centos5
> KVM02 - Centos5
> This part works fine.
> KVM04 - Centos6

So this is meant to be a mixed CentOS 5/6 cluster? That's tricky to get
right; if this were a RHEL cluster this type of configuration would not
be supported by Red Hat.

Are you making sure you are running the same Pacemaker major version
(1.1) on all of these nodes?

> [root at kvm04 ~]# /etc/init.d/corosync start && /etc/init.d/pacemaker start
> Starting Corosync Cluster Engine (corosync):               [  OK  ]
> Starting Pacemaker Cluster Manager:                        [  OK  ]
> Both "clusters" see the other node / nodes, meaning storage01,02 + kvm02
> sees node kvm02 and node kvm02 sees all other nodes.

What does corosync-cfgtool -s say?

> [root at kvm04 ~]# crm_mon -1
> ============
> Last updated: Sat Sep  3 09:45:26 2011
> Stack: openais
> Current DC: kvm04.sdr.at - partition WITHOUT quorum
> Version: 1.1.5-5.el6-01e86afaaa6d4a8c4836f68df80ababd6ca3902f
> 4 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
> 0 Resources configured.
> ============
> Online: [ kvm04.sdr.at ]
> OFFLINE: [ kvm02.sdr.at inet-storage01.sdr.at inet-storage02.sdr.at ]

It looks as though you brought kvm04 online and it formed a membership
of just one node, promoting itself to the DC. That would means it is now
using a CIB valid as per the Pacemaker 1.1 schema. If the other nodes
are on 1.0, then this would mean they are unable to join this cluster.

> The OFFLINE nodes were not entried manually, pacemaker found them as
> well as "on the other side".
> I'm using standard repositories + EPEL + Clusterlabs.
> What may be wrong?
> Config files, auth-file, service.d might be configured ok.

"might be"?

It would be helpful if we could see your corosync.conf and files in
service.d. And also, your exact version information for pacemaker,
corosync, and cluster-glue.


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