[Pacemaker] CentOS RPM build for pacemaker-pygui/mgmt

Gao,Yan ygao at suse.com
Thu Oct 27 09:28:25 UTC 2011

On 10/27/11 05:39, Mike Toler wrote:
> I am examining the requirements for upgrading our old heartbeat
> configuration to the newest pacemaker/heartbeat/corosync versions, and
> all seems well except that I cannot find the RPM for the pygui/mgmt module.
> There is a note from February of last year aboutbuilding the RPM for
> that being“on the list”, but I can’t find it anywhere.  On PBone, they
> have the 1.99version, but it doesn’t work with the CentOS RPMs I
> downloaded from ClusterLabs.
Sorry, we don't have a pre-built pacemaker-mgmt for CentOS.

(Hideo, IIRC, you host some pre-built packages somewhere?)

You can retrieve the latest source tarball from:

and the attached spec file should help.

Gao,Yan <ygao at suse.com>
Software Engineer
China Server Team, SUSE.
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