[Pacemaker] [DRBD-user] examples of dual primary DRBD

Bart Coninckx bart.coninckx at telenet.be
Thu Oct 13 07:38:13 UTC 2011

On 10/12/11 09:39, Florian Haas wrote:
> On 2011-10-11 09:12, Bart Coninckx wrote:
>> Florian,
>> Does this mean you thought this problem could have been the result of
>> changes done by Andrew to the DRBD RA? But sindce he hasn't done them
>> yet, isn't?
> You're right, I had been thinking your issues may be due to a change in
> the way master/slave sets are being promoted on startup. Since that
> change was in fact never made to the Pacemaker codebase, we can rule out
> that possibility.
> Florian

OK, I see. Can my workaround be considered safe? Possible pitfalls I see 
are upgrades that overwrite the DRBD resource agent script with the 1 
second delay. Besides that I would expect this to be fine?



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