[Pacemaker] How to recover from an unclean shutdown

Mailing List SVR lists at svrinformatica.it
Sun Oct 30 17:21:58 UTC 2011


I'm a long time heartbeat (v1) users, I'm now experimenting with 
pacemaker and corosync using two virtual machine (ubuntu oneiric, 
corosync and pacemaker from repo) to prepare the migration of my clusters.

After configuring some services I uncleany shutdown a virtual machine 
(server1 was hunging on stopping corosync since I did a configuration 
mistake) now only the service that was on server2 start, I think the 
problem is the following:

Oct 30 17:24:47 server2 pengine: [2323]: debug: native_assign_node: All 
nodes for resource drbd_disk:1 are unavailable, unclean or shutting down 
(server1: 0, -1000000)

how recover from this situation? (I already tryed crm node clearstate 

Please note that if I stop corosync and I manually start drbd the drbd 
resources starts fine.

Attached are the whole logs and my conf, I can share the virtual 
machines too if needed,


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