[Pacemaker] CFP: High Availability and Distributed Storage miniconf at LCA 2012

Tim Serong tserong at suse.com
Sun Oct 9 21:46:38 EDT 2011

Hi All,

I'm pleased to announce that we will be hosting a one day High 
Availability and Distributed Storage mini conference on January 16 2012, 
as part of linux.conf.au in Ballarat, Australia.

We would like to invite proposals for presentations to be delivered at 
the miniconf.  Please feel free to forward this CFP to your colleagues 
and other relevant mailing lists.

Suggested topics for presentations include (but are not limited to):

  - Cluster resource management
  - Cluster membership/messaging
  - Clustered filesystems
  - Distributed storage
  - SQL and NoSQL databases
  - Caching layers

The CFP is open until November 6.  Proposals can be submitted at:


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly 
(please do not group reply to this announcement).

Note that as this miniconf is part of linux.conf.au, you will need to 
register to attend the main conference 
(http://linux.conf.au/register/prices).  Unfortunately we have no 
sponsorship budget for speakers, so presenting at the miniconf does not 
entitle you to discounted or free registration.  If you need help 
convincing your employer to fund your travel, please see 
http://linux.conf.au/register/business-case - this is *the* Linux 
conference to be at in the southern hemisphere!


Tim Serong
Senior Clustering Engineer
tserong at suse.com

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