[Pacemaker] Pacemaker multi node configuration
Luciano Sitzia
l.sitzia at lsinformatica.net
Wed Oct 5 08:31:11 EDT 2011
Hello, I read pacemaker from scratch and pacemaker explained and I succeeded
in setting Active/passive clusters between two
Node. Now I have to configure a cluster shared failover where four servers
are running KVM with all VM on the shared storage
SAN with GFS2 , one more server acts as KVM failover. I tried to realize how
to configure it but I got totally lost.
Can you help me sending me a sample configuration to understand what I
should do.
Thanks in advance my best regards.
Luciano Sitzia
Via Palazzi, 8/G
51030 Serravalle Pistoiese (PT) Italy
Telefono : +390572953457 -+390572386136
FAX : +390572294506
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