[Pacemaker] Regarding Stonith RAs

Dejan Muhamedagic dejanmm at fastmail.fm
Mon Nov 14 14:41:43 UTC 2011


On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 02:05:49PM +0530, neha chatrath wrote:
> Hello,
> I am facing issue in configuring a Stonith resource in my system of cluster
> with 2 nodes.
> Whenever I try to give the following command:
> "crm configure primitive app_fence stonith::external/ipmi params hostname=
> ggns2mexsatsdp17.hsc.com ipaddr= userid=root
> passwd=pass at abc123" ,
> I get the following errors:
> "ERROR: stonith:external/ipmi: could not parse meta-data:

Which version of cluster-glue do you have installed? There is a
serious issue with external/ipmi in version 1.0.8, we'll make a
new release ASAP.



> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/sbin/crm", line 41, in <module>
>     crm.main.run()
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/crm/main.py", line 249, in run
>     if parse_line(levels,shlex.split(' '.join(args))):
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/crm/main.py", line 145, in
> parse_line
>     lvl.release()
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/crm/levels.py", line 68, in release
>     self.droplevel()
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/crm/levels.py", line 87, in
> droplevel
>     self.current_level.end_game(self._in_transit)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/crm/ui.py", line 1524, in end_game
>     self.commit("commit")
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/crm/ui.py", line 1425, in commit
>     self._verify(mkset_obj("xml","changed"),mkset_obj("xml"))
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/crm/ui.py", line 1324, in _verify
>     rc2 = set_obj_semantic.semantic_check(set_obj_all)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/crm/cibconfig.py", line 280, in
> semantic_check
>     rc = self.__check_unique_clash(set_obj_all)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/crm/cibconfig.py", line 260, in
> __check_unique_clash
>     process_primitive(node, clash_dict)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/crm/cibconfig.py", line 245, in
> process_primitive
>     if ra_params[ name ].get("unique") == "1":
> TypeError: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable
> "
> From /var/log/messages: following error is being reported from lrmd: "notice:
> on_msg_get_metadata: can not find the class stonith"
> It seems the it is not able to find any RAs related to Stonith.
> Following is the output of some crm commands:
> *crm(live)ra# classes*
> heartbeat
> lsb
> ocf / heartbeat linbit mcg pacemaker
> *stonith*
> *crm(live)ra# list ocf heartbeat*
> AoEtarget             AudibleAlarm          CTDB
> ClusterMon            Delay                 Dummy
> EvmsSCC               Evmsd                 Filesystem
> ICP                   IPaddr                IPaddr2
> IPsrcaddr             IPv6addr              LVM
> LinuxSCSI             MailTo                ManageRAID
> ManageVE              Pure-FTPd             Raid1
> Route                 SAPDatabase           SAPInstance
> SendArp               ServeRAID             SphinxSearchDaemon
> Squid                 Stateful              SysInfo
> VIPArip               VirtualDomain         WAS
> WAS6                  WinPopup              Xen
> Xinetd                anything              apache
> conntrackd            db2                   drbd
> eDir88                exportfs              fio
> iSCSILogicalUnit      iSCSITarget           ids
> iscsi                 jboss                 ldirectord
> mysql                 mysql-proxy           nfsserver
> nginx                 oracle                oralsnr
> pgsql                 pingd                 portblock
> postfix               proftpd               rsyncd
> scsi2reservation      sfex                  syslog-ng
> tomcat                vmware
> *crm(live)ra# list stonith*
> crm(live)ra#
> All the sotnith related RAs are present in
> /usr/lib/stonith/plugins/external.
> Following is the output of "ls command :
> [root at ggns2mexsatsdp17 ~]# ls /usr/lib/stonith/plugins/external/
> drac5          hetzner  ibmrsa         ipmi         kdumpcheck  nut
> output   riloe  ssh      vmware  xen0-ha
> dracmc-telnet  hmchttp  ibmrsa-telnet  ippower9258  libvirt     ouput
> rackpdu  sbd    vcenter  xen0
> Can somebody please help me with this?
> Thanks and regards
> Neha Chatrath

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