[Pacemaker] Adding VIP support for the MySQL RA

Yves Trudeau y.trudeau at videotron.ca
Fri Nov 11 22:18:53 UTC 2011

    I created a fork of the resource-agents and modified the mysql RA to 
supports VIP.  The support for read/write VIPs is something that 
currently limits the use of pacemaker to manage mysql replication.  I 
ran some basic tests on the modified agent and it seems behaving sanely 
so far but more tests will be needed (next week).  I also modified a few 
things in the RA that were not optimal in my view.   Here's the URL for 
my fork:


In order to use it, you need to adapt the pacemaker configuration, 
here's the one I am using:


Next, apart from running more tests,  I want to do the following:

- review user privileges used, need to lower the ones of replication_user
- add support for MHA  (http://code.google.com/p/mysql-master-ha/)
- run a beautifier for more uniformity in style

Reviews and comments are of course welcome.



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