[Pacemaker] Clone resource dependency issue - undesired restart of dependent resources

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Wed Mar 9 10:26:17 UTC 2011

You didn't mention a version number... I think you'll be happier with
1.1.5 (I recall fixing a similar issue).

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 8:33 PM, Ron Kerry <rkerry at sgi.com> wrote:
> Folks -
> I have a configuration issue that I am unsure how to resolve. Consider the
> following set of resources.
> clone rsc1-clone rsc1 \
>  meta clone-max="2" target-role="Started"
> primitive rsc1 ...
> primitive rsc2 ... meta resource-stickiness="1"
> primitive rsc3 ... meta resource-stickiness="1"
> Plus the following constraints
> colocation rsc2-with-clone inf: rsc2 rsc1-clone
> colocation rsc3-with-clone inf: rsc3 rsc1-clone
> order clone-before-rsc2 : rsc1-clone rsc2
> order clone-before-rsc3 : rsc1-clone rsc3
> I am getting the following behavior that is undesirable.
> During normal operation, a copy of the rsc1 resource is running on my two
> systems with rs2 and rsc3 typically running split between the two systems.
> The rsc2 & rsc3 resources are operationally dependent on a copy of rsc1
> being up and running first.
>   SystemA             SystemB
>   =======             =======
>     rsc1                rsc1
>     rsc2                rsc3
> If SystemB goes down, then rsc3 moves over to SystemA as expected
>   SystemA             SystemB
>   =======             =======
>     rsc1                X X
>     rsc2                 X
>     rsc3                X X
> When SystemB comes back into the cluster, crmd starts the rsc1 clone on
> SystemB but then also restarts both rsc2 & rsc3. This means both are stopped
> and then both started again. This is not what we want. We want these
> resources to remain running on SystemA until one of them is moved manually
> by an administrator to re-balance them across the systems.
> How do we configure these resources/constraints to achieve that behavior? We
> are already using resource-stickiness, but that is meaningless if crmd is
> going to be doing a restart of these resources.
> --
> Ron Kerry         rkerry at sgi.com
> Global Product Support - SGI Federal
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