[Pacemaker] RHEL 6.1 STONITH configuration

Andreas Kurz andreas.kurz at linbit.com
Fri Jun 17 09:17:53 UTC 2011

On 2011-06-17 10:38, Pieter Baele wrote:
> I've had exactly the same problem with pacemaker on rhel 6 as decribed in
> RHEL 6.0 STONITH configuration (Jun 09, warp)
> I thought an upgrade to 6.1 would help (because *some* files related
> to clustering changed)
> but I still receive
> crm(live)ra# list stonith
> lrmadmin[27678]: 2011/06/17_10:17:24 ERROR:
> lrm_get_rsc_type_supported(412): failed to receive a reply message of
> rtypes.
> Our pacemaker test cluster with DRBD is working, but stonith is still
> a problem.... and without this the cluster
> is useless in production of course...

I also see this annoying bug, but fencing works ... all fencing agents
are named "fence_...", have a nice manpage and a " lrmadmin -M stonith
fence_ipmilan NULL" or sthg like this dumps the meta-data.

Once you have chosen an agent and know its name you can configure it in
the shell since only the auto completion of the name is not working.


primitive stonith-demo1 stonith:fence_ipmilan \
	params pcmk_host_list="demo1" pcmk_host_check="static-list"
ipaddr="" login="xxxx" passwd="xxxx" verbose="true"
lanplus="true" power_wait="4" \
	op monitor interval="60s"

... works fine.


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