[Pacemaker] questions about expected behaviour stonith:meatware

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at powercraft.nl
Thu Jun 16 09:41:56 EDT 2011

On 16-06-11 15:28, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
> Perhaps somebody may want to add a send sms or mail feature to
> meatware.

I would very much like to see a general notification system that uses
the generic mail command to send mail to the root user of the system
(like most daemons do; smartd, mdadm, logcheck etcetera). I don't want
to listen to port 25 like with crm_mon --mail-to. If this notification
system sends the ERROR and CRT logs of packemaker it will also get the
stonithd messages of meatware.

BTW. thanks for al the info on this thread, from a simple question to a
lot of usable information, keep it going :D

Kind regards,

Jelle de Jong

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