[Pacemaker] failed actions: insufficient privileges

imnotpc imnotpc at rock3d.net
Sat Jun 11 16:43:54 EDT 2011

On Saturday, June 11, 2011 14:29:54 Alfredo Parisi wrote:
> If I start on mysql, in the /var/run/mysqld there is the .sock file...so I
> think that the path is correct

How are you starting mysql? I thought you said mysql couldn't write to that 
directory and you had to create the file yourself to get mysql to work.

I can't give you any advice about cluster configuration since I'm a beginner 
myself, but I know a bit about mysql and I think the problem here is you are 
trying to create a mysql cluster configuration using 3 different sources: the 
mysql site, the defaults in the pacemaker mysql script, and the distro 
defaults. For some reason these all have very different default values for the 
parameters you need, and the configuration you posted doesn't match any of 

A few thoughts:

Are you using the mysql installation that came with the distro, did you 
install mysql yourself on each node, or did you install it on the drbd device? 
Each of these will change the default values and the settings you need.

If you're using mysql from the distro, what distro are you using? Distros 
based on openSUSE and Redhat use the pid and socket directories I listed 
earlier. You can change them, but then you break all the mysql tools and 
clients that came with the distro. If you're going to use the distro version 
of mysql I don't know of a good reason to change the defaults.

According to the documentation you need to use the same my.cnf for all the 
nodes and it must reside on the drbd. It should also have the same settings as 
the default my.cnf on each node if possible since any other setting will break 
the tools on that node.

My suggestion: Unless you need to compile your own mysqld, I would install the 
distro version on each node and use the distro defaults for both my.cfn and 


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