[Pacemaker] Slowing down resource migration

Robert van Leeuwen vanleeuwen at stone-it.com
Wed Jan 19 12:20:19 UTC 2011

> > Is there anyway to configure Pacemaker to migrate a resource at a rate of 1 
> > resource every 2 minutes e.g.?
> No. But you could modify the resource agent and insert a 2 minute
> sleep in the start action. 


Thanks for the suggestion,
I was also thinking about this however it would have been nice if it was a feature and configurable :)
E.G. I would like to change this value when I migrate resources for maintenance (larger time interval).

Now I will simply use the old way for maintenance: a bash "for loop" with resource move and sleep.

> > batch-limit will stop multiple resource migration processing in parallel but 
> can you set the interval between batch-limit?
> There's also a lrmd parameter called max-children which limits
> the number of actions run in parallel on one node. The
> batch-limit limits the number of cluster actions.

Nice to know but in this case everything points to the same SAN / pool with LUN's. 
So limiting by-node is not really helpful in this case.

Robert van Leeuwen

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