[Pacemaker] fencing to recover from failed resources

Bart Coninckx bart.coninckx at telenet.be
Thu Jan 13 12:16:03 UTC 2011

On Thursday 13 January 2011 11:58:03 Lars Marowsky-Bree wrote:
> On 2011-01-13T11:48:41, Bart Coninckx <bart.coninckx at telenet.be> wrote:
> > I notice that you work Novell, this is a SLES11SP1 installation so if the
> > resource agent for Xen is faulty I guess you know about it?
> Yes, I think I'd know about it. The Xen RA doesn't have any known bugs
> at the moment, but make sure that all maintenance updates are applied.
> In case you want some external validation of your cluster configuration,
> you can either ask our support folks (if your support level is high
> enough), or talk to LIN:BIT, they offer a cluster health check service
> http://www.linbit.com/en/products-services/drbd-consulting/ at a very
> affordable price.
> Regards,
>     Lars

I just compared it to the one in SLES10 and it seems to have hardly changed. 
I'm pushing the customer to get (pay for) Novell support after the initial 
trial period and proof of concept, not in the least to have clarity about 
things like this. 
Wasn't aware that Linbit provided this service as well, apart from DRBD 



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