[Pacemaker] Two questions about utilization

Michael Schwartzkopff misch at clusterbau.com
Mon Jan 10 13:08:05 UTC 2011

On Friday 07 January 2011 13:32:49 Michael Schwartzkopff wrote:
> Hi,
> I am starting the explore the utilization feature in pacemaker-1.1. At the
> moment I have two problems:
> 1) Following Beekhofs blog
> http://theclusterguy.clusterlabs.org/post/570381880/feature-spotlight-
> utilization
> I tried to enter the utilization feature for the nodes. But it seems that
> the cluster doesn't like that attribute:
> linux-54gl:~ # crm configure node linux-54gl utilization cores=2
> linux-54gl:~ # crm configure show
> node linux-54gl
> node linux-qwyt
> (...)
> Does anybody have a good explanation why this doesn't work?
> 2) When I add the placement-strategy="utilization" to the cluster
> properties, of course all resources stop to work, since no cores are
> defined on the nodes.
> The only way to get rid of the placement-strategy parameter in the subshell
> seems to set it to "default" again. Is there no way to delete that
> parameter in the subshell, except "cibadmin -D ...", of course.
> Greetings,

Found the problems. Had to use
crm node utilization ...

Dr. Michael Schwartzkopff
Guardinistr. 63
81375 München

Tel: (0163) 172 50 98
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