[Pacemaker] ping directive configuration

paul harford harfordmeister at gmail.com
Mon Jan 31 18:55:28 UTC 2011

HI guys
i'm having some issues with a ping directive, my current config is below and
basically i want the web resource to failover to the second node if the ping
can no longer contact the default gateway

so here goes

crm configure primitive ping ocf:pacemaker:ping params dampen=5s
host_list=(default GateWay) multplier=1000 name=pingval operations
$id=ping-operations op moinitor interval=10s timeout=15s


crm configure clone connected ping meta globally-unique=false


location web_on_connected_node cweb rule $id=web_on_connected_node-rule
-inf: not_defined pingval or pingval lte 0

Does anyone see any isssues's whith the above confiuguration ? i want to
check first as the last time i tried it wouldn't work and my resources would
not failover or start

node $id="271808bb-ed74-4eaa-8c94-bf32a00074dd" crhnode1 \
        attributes standby="off"
node $id="59440607-2a5c-450e-84fa-94bf69742671" crhnode2 \
        attributes standby="off"
primitive cweb ocf:heartbeat:apache \
        params configfile="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" \
        op monitor interval="60s" \
        meta target-role="Started"
primitive failoverip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr \
        params ip="" cidr_netmask="" \
        op monitor interval="30s" \
        meta target-role="Started"
location cli-prefer-cweb cweb \
        rule $id="cli-prefer-rule-crhweb" inf: #uname eq crhnode1
location prefer-crhnode1 crhweb 50: crhnode1
colocation cweb-with-failoverip inf: cweb failoverip
order crhweb-after-failoverip inf: failoverip cweb
property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
        dc-version="1.0.10-da7075976b5ff0bee71074385f8fd02f296ec8a3" \
        cluster-infrastructure="Heartbeat" \
        stonith-enabled="false" \
rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" \
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