[Pacemaker] How to set up logging for CTSlab

Simon Jansen simon.jansen1 at googlemail.com
Mon Jan 10 09:46:58 UTC 2011


I would like to test my cluster with the cluster test suite. I followed the
instructions of the README file to set up the logging with syslog-ng.
Further I changed the syslog_facility in the corosync.conf file to local7.
The cluster nodes are sending their logs to the exerciser and the exerciser
writes the log entries into the file /var/log/ha-log-local7. The entries
have the form
Jan 10 10:27:11 corosync[903]:   [SERV  ] Unloading all
Corosync service engines.
Jan 10 10:27:11 corosync[903]:   [pcmk  ] notice:
pcmk_shutdown: Shuting down Pacemaker
Jan 10 10:27:11 corosync[903]:   [pcmk  ] notice:
pcmk_shutdown: mgmtd confirmed stopped
Jan 10 10:27:11 corosync[903]:   [pcmk  ] notice: stop_child:
Sent -15 to crmd: [1023]
So I would say that the remote logging is working.
But when I start the CTS by executing the following command on the exerciser

  python CTSlab.py --nodes "" --at-boot 1
--stack corosync --stonith no --logfile /var/log/ha-log-local7 1
the LogAudit fails.

The output of CTS is
Jan 10 10:04:03 Random seed is: 1294650243
Jan 10 10:04:03 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BEGINNING 1 TESTS
Jan 10 10:04:03 Stack:            corosync (flatiron)
Jan 10 10:04:03 Schema:           pacemaker-1.0
Jan 10 10:04:03 Scenario:         Random Test Execution
Jan 10 10:04:03 Random Seed:      1294650243
Jan 10 10:04:03 System log files: /var/log/ha-log-local7
Jan 10 10:04:03 Cluster nodes:
Jan 10 10:04:03 *
Jan 10 10:04:03 *
Jan 10 10:06:17 Testing for syslog logs
Jan 10 10:06:17 Testing for remote logs
Jan 10 10:07:26 Restarting logging on: ['', '']
Jan 10 10:09:01 Restarting logging on: ['', '']
Jan 10 10:11:37 Restarting logging on: ['', '']
Jan 10 10:15:02 Restarting logging on: ['', '']
Jan 10 10:19:02 ERROR: Cluster logging unrecoverable.
Jan 10 10:19:02 Audit LogAudit FAILED.



Simon Jansen

Simon Jansen
64291 Darmstadt
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