[Pacemaker] Problems with ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 and ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain

Stefan Schneebeli stefan.schneebeli at gmx.ch
Fri Feb 18 08:24:53 UTC 2011

Hi everybody

I'm trying to build a cluster with pacemaker, corosync, DRBD and KVM on 
Debian Squeeze.
If I just use DRBD and KVM with the ocf:linbit:drbd and 
ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain Agents
everything works quite well including live migration and Node standby. 
STONITH is not configured
yet but will use an APC Powerswitch for that.
Because of using VNC for console access to the VM's I'm trying to run a 
floating IP address together
with the KVM Guest so I allways can access to the console with same IP 
Address independent on which
Node the VM is running.
Now when I configure the IPaddr2 Agent together with an order and a 
colocation to the DRBD and Virtualdomain
resources the live migration does not work anymore, instead the VM will 
be shutdown via Agent and restartet
on the other Node. Standby an Node will also not work properly anymore 
with failures in stopping the VM together
with strange Error Messages like this: "info: RA output: 
(ns3:stop:stderr) operation failed: could not query memory balloon 
The order of starting and stopping the resources will also not be like I 
configured in the order constraints. I also tried to
change the order and colocation in many way with no success.

My current config is:
node challenger \
         attributes standby="off"
node columbia \
         attributes standby="off"
primitive ns3 ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain \
         params config="/etc/libvirt/qemu/ns3.xml" 
hypervisor="qemu:///system" migration_transport="ssh" force_stop="0" \
         op start interval="0" timeout="90" \
         op stop interval="0" timeout="300" \
         op monitor interval="10" timeout="30" depth="0" \
         op migrate_from interval="0" timeout="240" \
         op migrate_to interval="0" timeout="240" \
         meta allow-migrate="true" target-role="Started" is-managed="true"
primitive ns3_VNC-IP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
         params ip="" nic="vmbr0" cidr_netmask="24" \
         meta target-role="Started"
primitive resDRBD ocf:linbit:drbd \
         params drbd_resource="ns3" \
         operations $id="resDRBD-operations" \
         op monitor interval="20" role="Master" timeout="20" \
         op monitor interval="30" role="Slave" timeout="20"
ms msDRBD resDRBD \
         meta resource-stickines="100" notify="true" master-max="2" 
interleave="true" target-role="Started"
colocation col_ns3 inf: ns3_VNC-IP:Started ns3:Started msDRBD:Master
order o_ns3 inf: msDRBD:promote ns3_VNC-IP:start ns3:start
property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
         dc-version="1.0.9-74392a28b7f31d7ddc86689598bd23114f58978b" \
         cluster-infrastructure="openais" \
         expected-quorum-votes="2" \
         no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
         stonith-enabled="false" \

Any help is appriciated!

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