[Pacemaker] Fw: Unable to start pacemaker due to WARN: do_cib_control: Couldn't complete CIB registration [In reply to]

Florian Haas florian at hastexo.com
Tue Dec 6 06:38:38 EST 2011

Hi Graham,

On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 8:06 AM, Graham Rawolle
<rawolleg at daintreesystems.com> wrote:
> I too am having all sorts of dramas getting pacemaker to start.
> Andrew you mentioned the new way “ver:1” to start the pacemaker daemons.
> The problem is that the two packaged versions of pacemaker that I can find
> for openSUSE 11.4 do not have an /etc/init.d/pacemaker script or even a
> pacemakerd executable – so how can pacemaker be started?
> The versions of pacemaker I have tried are 1.1.5-3.2-x86_64 from
> OpenSUSE-11.4-Oss repository and 1.0.12-1-x86_64 from Cluster Labs
> repository for openSUSE-11.4.

1.0.12 (as any of the 1.0.x releases) did not ship pacemakerd. On
those systems, configuring the Pacemaker service with "ver: 1" is not
supported. One would not expect a pacemaker init script there.

However, 1.1.5 would support it. But OpenSUSE doesn't ship it (from
the OpenSUSE 11.4 spec file):

# Don't want to ship this just yet:
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/init.d/pacemaker || true
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/sbin/pacemaker{d,} || true

This is unchanged in the spec file for 12.1, which ships Pacemaker
1.1.6. Tim Serong would be the best person to explain the reasoning
behind this (or correct me if my observation is wrong, always a
possibility). But IIUC Tim is currently traveling back home from
Europe, so please give him a day or two to respond. Thanks!


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