[Pacemaker] Pacemaker in RHEL6.

Marco van Putten marco.vanputten at tudelft.nl
Thu Aug 11 05:50:08 UTC 2011

On 08/10/2011 06:23 PM, David Coulson wrote:
> On 8/10/11 11:43 AM, Marco van Putten wrote:
>> Thanks Andreas. But our managers persist on using Redhat.
> I think the idea would be to take the HA packages distributed with
> Scientific Linux 6.x and run them on RHEL.

OK Thanks for the heads up. I will give it a try with the Scientific 
Linux packages on RHEL.

> Note that even when you do subscribe to the HA add-on in RHEL6,
> pacemaker is not supported by RedHat. Are you sure you can't buy the HA
> add-on to go with your base entitlement for RHEL?

No unfortunately Redhat's license model doesn't work that way. In stead 
of the 150$ academic license you have to buy the full licensed version 
and then some extra for the add-on.

> David


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