[Pacemaker] [pacemaker]Notification alerts when fail-over take place from one node to other node in cluster.

Vadym Chepkov vchepkov at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 14:26:24 UTC 2011

On Apr 21, 2011, at 9:00 AM, rakesh k wrote:

> Hello Every body 
> We had configured HA/pacemaker,even we can migrate the resources between the
> nodes in a cluster frame work, when there is a failure occurs for certain process, 
> My concerns here at any given point of time in cluster frame work, when a
> resources/processes configured in HA fails it will be migrating to other
> available node in cluster,how can we configure HA such that  alerts/notification
> to a particular email, saying that the resource has been migrated. 
> Upon failure condition, is there any way in the heartbeat /pacemaker or can any
> one provide suggestion how can we start up/implement such scenario..

You can colocate your resource with a MailTo pseudo resource :

# crm ra meta MailTo
Notifies recipients by email in the event of resource takeover (ocf:heartbeat:MailTo)


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