[Pacemaker] [PATCH]Bug 2567 - crm resource migrate should support an optional "role" parameter

Holger Teutsch holger.teutsch at web.de
Fri Apr 8 13:21:31 UTC 2011

On Thu, 2011-04-07 at 12:33 +0200, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
> > New syntax:
> > -----------
> > 
> > crm_resource --move-from --resource myresource --node mynode
> >    -> all resource variants: check whether active on mynode, then create standby constraint
> > 
> > crm_resource --move-from --resource myresource
> >    -> primitive/group: set --node `current_node`, then create standby constraint
> >    -> clone/master: refused
> > 
> > crm_resource --move-to --resource myresource --node mynode
> >   -> all resource variants: create prefer constraint
> > 
> > crm_resource --move-to --resource myresource --master --node mynode
> >   -> master: check whether active as slave on mynode, then create prefer constraint for master role
> >   -> others: refused
> > 
> > crm_resource --move-cleanup --resource myresource
> >   -> zap constraints
> > 
> > As we are already short on meaningful single letter options I vote for long options only.
> > 
> > Backwards Compatibility:
> > ------------------------
> > 
> > crm_resource {-M|--move} --resource myresource
> >   -> output deprecation warning
> >   -> treat as crm_resource --move-from --resource myresource
> > 
> > crm_resource {-M|--move} --resource myresource --node mynode
> >   -> output deprecation warning
> >   -> treat as crm_resource --move-to --resource myresource --node mynode
> > 
> > crm_resource {-U|--unmove} --resource myresource
> >   -> output deprecation warning
> >   -> treat as crm_resource --move-cleanup --resource myresource
> All looks fine to me.
> > For the shell:
> > Should we go for similar commands or keep "migrate-XXX"
> migrate is a bit of a misnomer, could be confused with the
> migrate operation. I'd vote to leave old migrate/unmigrate
> as deprecated and introduce just move-from/to/cleanup variants.

Deajn & Andrew,
please find attached the patches that implement these commands for
review. The require the patch
Low: lib/common/utils.c: Don't try to print unprintable option values in crm_help

that I send separately because it is not directly related to the
movement stuff.

I think that the preceding discussions were very valuable to fully
understand issues and implications and I'm confident that the new
command set is consistent and behaves with predictable outcome.


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