[Pacemaker] Latest pacemaker-1.0 is make rpm error

nozawat nozawat at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 08:43:10 UTC 2011


 I get a source from a following.

 I input the following commands afterwards.(RHEL5.5 x86_64)
 1) Environment Setting
  $export PREFIX=/usr
  $export LCRSODIR=$PREFIX/libexec/lcrso
  $export CLUSTER_USER=hacluster
  $export CLUSTER_GROUP=haclient
 2) build command
  $./autogen.sh && ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --localstatedir=/var
  $make rpm

 However, the following errors produced make rpm after enforcement.
cp pacemaker-fedora.spec pacemaker.spec
sed -i.sed 's/global\ upstream_version.*/global\ upstream_version\
e7c9c7341c6f/' pacemaker.spec
rpmbuild -bs --define "dist .fedora" --define "_sourcedir
/share/ha/buildbot/build/RHEL5.5-x86_64/pacemaker-1.0/build" --define
"_specdir   /share/ha/buildbot/build/RHEL5.5-x86_64/pacemaker-1.0/build"
--define "_srcrpmdir
/share/ha/buildbot/build/RHEL5.5-x86_64/pacemaker-1.0/build"  pacemaker.spec
error: File
No such file or directory
make: *** [srpm-fedora] Error 1
rm pacemaker-fedora.spec
 The following corrections seem to be related to me.


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