[Pacemaker] stop/demote order during node standby

Patrick Zwahlen paz at navixia.com
Mon Sep 13 06:30:14 UTC 2010

Hi all (already posted to linux-ha, but this seems a better place),

I am building a 2-nodes iSCSI target, using the following:
- Fedora 12 x86_64
- drbd (RPM built from source)
- pacemaker (clusterlabs RPM)
- corosync 1.2.7 (clusterlabs RPM)
- scst/iscsi-scst rev 2071 (compiled from source)

I have built a custom RA (attached) that handles device/target/lun
configuration. My pacemaker CIB defines a drbd MS resource, as well as a
group containing my iSCSI target resource and a floating IP. Everything
is configured x2 for load sharing between the two nodes (see my
pacemaker CIB attached).

I have defined simple drbd:promote->group:start order constraints as
explained is the many howtos. I can successfully migrate/unmigrate my
group, and in that case I see group:stop->drbd:demote in the right

However, if I issue a "node standby", then both actions happen at the
same time, and in most cases, my group:stop fails because the underlying
(drbd) device has been removed already.

Andrew mentions in this thread
) that this is the normal behavior, because pacemaker hasn't been told
to behave differently.

Question is: How to tell pacemaker how resources should be
stopped/demoted during a node standby ?

I have tried these 2 order constraints, with no luck:
  order ord_grp_iscsi_a_before_drbd0_1 inf: grp_iscsi_a:stop
  order ord_grp_iscsi_a_before_drbd0_2 inf: grp_iscsi_a:stop

Any help appreciated. Thanks a ton, cheers. - Patrick -

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