[Pacemaker] order constraint based on any one of many

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Thu Sep 2 07:02:54 UTC 2010

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Patrick Irvine <pirv at cybersites.ca> wrote:
> Hi, and thanks for the response.
> The issue is this.  Glfs must be restricted from starting until at least one
> of the glfsd clones has started.  The glfsd clones provide the backed
> storage for the glfs mounts.  So glfsd doesn't really need to be a M/S.
> This is just a way I came up with to make glfs wait for any single glfsd as
> opposed to waiting for all glfsd clones.
> What I really need is some order constraint ( or some other mechanism) that
> is like the logic below (to use some C syntax)
> If ( glfsd-1 || glfsd-2 || glfsd-3 || glfsd-4 ) then start glfs-clones

We want to support this, but the feature isn't fully baked yet.
For now what you've done is the only way.

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