[Pacemaker] the way to delete resource completely

Rasto Levrinc rasto.levrinc at linbit.com
Thu Oct 21 09:06:33 UTC 2010

On Thu, October 21, 2010 7:51 am, jiaju liu wrote:

> Hi everyone
> I use command crm resource stop Rsc to stop a resource and use crm
> resource cleanup at last use crm configure delete Rsc to delete resource.
>  However I still found the resource's imformation in XML file.
> my question is how to remove one resource imformation completely from
> cluster. Thanks a lot

I suspect it is problem with some packages. Is it Pacemaker 1.0.9 on
Centos from clusterlabs repositories?


: Dipl-Ing Rastislav Levrinc
: DRBD-MC http://www.drbd.org/mc/management-console/
: DRBD/HA support and consulting http://www.linbit.com/
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