[Pacemaker] apache could not start

Raoul Bhatia [IPAX] r.bhatia at ipax.at
Sat Oct 9 06:02:11 UTC 2010

On 09.10.2010 04:09, jiaju liu wrote:
> Hi everybody
> I use command
> *crm configure primitive apache ocf:heartbeat:apache params
> "/opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf" meta resource-stickiness=1
> target-role=stopped op start timeout=120s op stop timeout=120s op
> monitor timeout=20s interval=10s op status timeout=30s;*
> and
> *crm resource start apache*
> to start a apache resource, however when I use crm resource show it appears
> *apache (ocf::heartbeat:apache) Stopped *
> **
> *what's wrong with it?*

what are the logfiles saying? what is "crm status -r" saying?
can you please submit an "hb_report"?


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