[Pacemaker] Tomcat won't start (status timed out)

David Quenzler quenzler at gmail.com
Fri Oct 22 13:48:42 UTC 2010


ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr params ip=<my_ip> works like a charm.  Resource is UP.

ocf:heartbeat:tomcat requires catalina_home and java_home. OK I
supplied those along with the recommended timeouts: op start
timeout="60s" op stop timeout="60s"

tomcat will not start (status=Timed Out)
It looks like the OCF tomcat script *is* being called

/var/log/tomcat.log doesn't show much.  Can I increase the verbosity
of logging to that file?
/var/log/messages shows a few things:

Processing failed op tomcat_start_0 : unknown exec error
tomcat has failed INFINITY times on x, forcing away, failed INFINITY times on y
tomcat cannot run anywhere

Am I missing additional configuration?  Has anyone seen this before?


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