[Pacemaker] starting a xen-domU depending on available hardware-resources using SysInfo-RA

Sascha Reimann sascha.reimann at hostway.de
Fri Oct 8 04:10:16 EDT 2010

Hi Dejan,

On 10/07/2010 03:50 PM, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
> The VM won't move elsewhere in case its already running. If it
> isn't, then the stickiness doesn't apply and it will go to the
> node with most free RAM.
> Though I wonder what happens if there's more than one VM that
> wants to move simultaneously.

What behavior would you expect? I guess if the SysInfo-RA wouldn't 
update the free_ram in time after the first takeover (current interval 
of SysInfo-RA is 10s), one of n vm's could fail to start if there's not 
enough free_ram, right?

> Thanks,
> Dejan
>> And on a related note, why are there two different SysInfo agents? Which one is supported?
>> /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/SysInfo
>> /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/SysInfo
>> Thanks,
>> Vadym
>>> On 09/28/2010 12:18 PM, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 11:00:18AM +0200, Sascha Reimann wrote:
>>>>> howdy!
>>>>> I'm trying to configure a resource (xen-domU) that could start on 2
>>>>> nodes (preferred on node server01):
>>>>> primitive v01 ocf:heartbeat:Xen \
>>>>> 	params xmfile="/etc/xen/conf.d/v01.cfg" allow-migrate="true"
>>>>> location loc-v01p v01 200: server01
>>>>> location loc-v01s v01 100: server02
>>>>> That's working fine so far, but I want to ensure that there's enough
>>>>> hardwareresources available on server01, so I've set up a modified
>>>>> SysInfo-RA to put the ram_total and ram_free values of xen (xm
>>>>> info|awk '/free_memory/ {print $3}') to the statusinformation of the
>>>>> CIB:
>>>>> server01:~$ cibadmin -Q -o status|grep status-server01-ram
>>>>> <nvpair id="status-server01-ram_total" name="ram_total" value="8191"/>
>>>>> <nvpair id="status-server01-ram_free" name="ram_free" value="2000"/>
>>>>> This is working fine, too. BUT:
>>>>> When I create a rule like the one below, the xen-domU keeps
>>>>> restarting (or moving to server02 where the same happens), which is
>>>>> correct since the SysInfo-RA updates the statusinformation to
>>>>> value="0" after a start and back to value="2000" after a stop in
>>>>> this example.
>>>>> location loc-resv01 v01 \
>>>>> 	rule $id="loc-resv01-rule" -inf: ram_free lt 2000
>>>> An interesting issue :-)
>>>> Well, you can introduce resource stickiness and use that to
>>>> outweigh the negative score coming from the lack of memory (use
>>>> something less than inf). You may also consider using the amount
>>>> of free memory as a score.
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Dejan
>>>>> Can anybody help?
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>>> --
>>> Für weitere Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.
>>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>>> Sascha Reimann
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Für weitere Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Sascha Reimann


- Hostway Deutschland GmbH
- Am Mittelfelde 29, D 30519 Hannover, Germany
- Fon +49 (0)511 71260-100, Fax +49 (0)511 71260-198


Cord Bansemer (CEO)

Dr. Achilleas Anastasiadis

Datenschutzbeauftragter lt. BDSG

RA Thomas Lehmacher

Zuständiges Handelsregister:

Amtsgericht Hannover HRB 202097

Zuständiges Finanzamt:

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USt-IdNr. DE204915504

Bankverbindung: Dresdner Bank AG

KTO 0 111 085 800 · BLZ 250 800 20


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