[Pacemaker] 2 node failover cluster + MySQL Master-Master replica setup

Vadym Chepkov vchepkov at gmail.com
Fri Nov 12 18:07:56 UTC 2010

On Nov 12, 2010, at 11:14 AM, Ruzsinszky Attila wrote:

> Hi,
>> And now (officially) RHCS can also use Pacemaker
>> http://theclusterguy.clusterlabs.org/post/1551292286
> Nice.
>> Yeah, like I said, Master-Master and Pacemaker without a proper resource
>> agent will cause issues.
> Yes.
>> big problems. Now let me explain this, a 2-node Multi-Master MySQL setup
>> means setting up every node as both Master and Slave, node 1's Master
>> replicates asynchronously to node 2's Slave and node 2's Master replicates
>> asynchronously to node 1's Slave. The replication channels between the two
>> are not redundant, nor do they recover from failure automatically and you
>> have to manually set the auto-increment-increment and auto-increment-offset
>> so that you don't have primary key collisions.
> Clear.
>> each server. Looking at how DRBD handles these kinds of things is one way to
>> go about it, but ... it's a huge task and there are a lot of things that can
>> go terribly wrong.
> :-(
>> So again, for the third time, the problem is not the Multi-Master setup, nor
>> it is Pacemaker, it's just a very specific use case for which a resource
>> agent wasn't written.
> OK.
> So now almost the only one possibilities is DRBD+MySQL?

I am pretty sure Linbit announced mysql RA with replication capabilities. Haven't seen documentation though.


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