[Pacemaker] Question on resources' dependency and failover

Gianluca Cecchi gianluca.cecchi at gmail.com
Wed May 12 20:22:01 UTC 2010

On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Andrew Beekhof <andrew at beekhof.net> wrote:

> Attach the output from cibadmin -Ql when the cluster is in this state
> and I'll take a look.
Ok. here we are with the commands.
I send attached the output of cibadmin command when the services stop after
the move operation (cibadmin_stop.log) and after the unmove operation that
causes them to restart (cibadmin_restart.log).
Previous message with attachments in zip format seems didn't go to the list,

# crm_mon -fr1
Last updated: Wed May 12 17:31:15 2010
Stack: openais
Current DC: ha1 - partition with quorum
Version: 1.0.8-9881a7350d6182bae9e8e557cf20a3cc5dac3ee7
2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
5 Resources configured.

Online: [ ha1 ha2 ]

Full list of resources:

 SitoWeb    (ocf::heartbeat:apache):    Started ha1
 Master/Slave Set: NfsData
     Masters: [ ha1 ]
     Slaves: [ ha2 ]
 Resource Group: nfs-group
     lv_drbd0    (ocf::heartbeat:LVM):    Started ha1
     ClusterIP    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):    Started ha1
     NfsFS    (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started ha1
     nfssrv    (ocf::heartbeat:nfsserver):    Started ha1
 nfsclient    (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started ha2
 Clone Set: cl-pinggw
     Started: [ ha1 ha2 ]

Migration summary:
* Node ha1:  pingd=200
* Node ha2:  pingd=200

#crm resource move nfsclient
WARNING: Creating rsc_location constraint 'cli-standby-nfsclient' with a
score of -INFINITY for resource nfsclient on ha2.
    This will prevent nfsclient from running on ha2 until the constraint is
removed using the 'crm_resource -U' command or manually with cibadmin
    This will be the case even if ha2 is the last node in the cluster
    This message can be disabled with -Q

# crm_mon -fr1
Last updated: Wed May 12 17:34:14 2010
Stack: openais
Current DC: ha1 - partition with quorum
Version: 1.0.8-9881a7350d6182bae9e8e557cf20a3cc5dac3ee7
2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
5 Resources configured.

Online: [ ha1 ha2 ]

Full list of resources:

 SitoWeb    (ocf::heartbeat:apache):    Stopped
 Master/Slave Set: NfsData
     Masters: [ ha1 ]
     Slaves: [ ha2 ]
 Resource Group: nfs-group
     lv_drbd0    (ocf::heartbeat:LVM):    Stopped
     ClusterIP    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):    Stopped
     NfsFS    (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Stopped
     nfssrv    (ocf::heartbeat:nfsserver):    Stopped
 nfsclient    (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Stopped
 Clone Set: cl-pinggw
     Started: [ ha1 ha2 ]

Migration summary:
* Node ha1:  pingd=200
* Node ha2:  pingd=200

# cibadmin -Ql > cibadmin_stop.log 2>&1

# crm resource unmove nfsclient

# crm_mon -fr1
Last updated: Wed May 12 17:35:08 2010
Stack: openais
Current DC: ha1 - partition with quorum
Version: 1.0.8-9881a7350d6182bae9e8e557cf20a3cc5dac3ee7
2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
5 Resources configured.

Online: [ ha1 ha2 ]

Full list of resources:

 SitoWeb    (ocf::heartbeat:apache):    Started ha1
 Master/Slave Set: NfsData
     Masters: [ ha1 ]
     Slaves: [ ha2 ]
 Resource Group: nfs-group
     lv_drbd0    (ocf::heartbeat:LVM):    Started ha1
     ClusterIP    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):    Started ha1
     NfsFS    (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started ha1
     nfssrv    (ocf::heartbeat:nfsserver):    Started ha1
 nfsclient    (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started ha2
 Clone Set: cl-pinggw
     Started: [ ha1 ha2 ]

Migration summary:
* Node ha1:  pingd=200
* Node ha2:  pingd=200

# cibadmin -Ql > cibadmin_restart.log

Thanks in advance.
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