[Pacemaker] Postfix resource agent doesn't exists for pacemaker 1.0.8

carlopmart carlopmart at gmail.com
Mon Mar 29 08:25:05 UTC 2010

Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 03:33:32PM +0100, carlopmart wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>  How can I define a resource to configure an active/passive postfix
>> instance? I have executed "crm ra list ocf heartbeat" and doesn't
>> appears postfix resource. Which do I need to use??
> The postfix RA exists but it wasn't packaged. You can wait for
> the new release (next week) or download the file yourself to
> /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/postfix from
> http://hg.linux-ha.org/agents/raw-file/tip/heartbeat/postfix
> Thanks,
> Dejan
Many thanks Dejan. But one more question: which ocf resource can i use to check a 
lsb script?? Or do I need to make a custom ocf resource??

CL Martinez
carlopmart {at} gmail {d0t} com

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