[Pacemaker] node states

Matthew Palmer mpalmer at hezmatt.org
Wed Mar 17 18:53:59 UTC 2010

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 07:16:16AM -0500, Schaefer, Diane E wrote:
>   We were wondering what the node state of UNCLEAN, with the three
>   variations of online, offline and pending returned in crm_mon mean.  We
>   had the heartbeat service off on one of our nodes and the other node
>   reported UNCLEAN (online).  We seem to get it when the nodes are not
>   communicating.  Thanks for any clarification.

Unclean (online) means that the STONITH resource for that node had some
failures, and so the cluster isn't confident that when it comes time to
shoot that node (if required), it'll actually work.

Unclean (offline) means that communication has been lost, but STONITH failed
(or hasn't run yet -- should only be for a fraction of a second) and so the
"deadness" of the presumed-dead node isn't assured.

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ONOES!  A grue!

- Matt

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