[Pacemaker] Fencing with iDrac 6 Enterprise

Martin Aspeli optilude+lists at gmail.com
Tue Mar 9 02:51:03 UTC 2010

Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 12:00:44PM +0800, Martin Aspeli wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have a two-node cluster of Dell servers. They have an iDRAC 6
>> Enterprise each. The cluster is also backed up by a UPS with a
>> diesel generator.
>> I realise on-board devices like the DRAC are not ideal for fencing,
>> but it's probably the best we're going to be able to do. However,
>> I've read in some manuals that DRAC 6 is troublesome
> How?

As in, the drac STONITH scripts don't work with it. The name drac5 kind 
of suggests that, too.

>> and that the
>> drac STONITH agent in Pacemaker only deals with version 5.
> There's drac3 and external/drac5.

but no 6? ;-)

>> Is this still current? Can anyone point me to any documentation or
>> examples of configuring iDRAC 6 Enterprise for STONITH, if indeed
>> it's possible?
> It should be possible, but I can't say. Perhaps you can try with
> drac5. If that won't do, then somebody has to write a stonith
> plugin. BTW, that's normally not too difficult when one has
> access to a device.

Gotcha. I saw in your other email that it could work with IPMI too. 
suggests it supports IPMI.

I guess I was hoping to find someone who's actually used this particular 
device with Pacemaker, but we'll be trialling and erroring soon enough. ;)


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