[Pacemaker] DRBD Recovery Policies

Menno Luiten mluiten at artifix.net
Thu Mar 11 14:35:17 EST 2010

Hi Darren,

I believe that this is handled by DRBD by fencing the Master/Slave 
resource during resync using Pacemaker. See 
http://www.drbd.org/users-guide/s-pacemaker-fencing.html. This would 
prevent Node A to promote/start services with outdated data 
(fence-peer), and it would be forced to wait with takeover until the 
resync is completed (after-resync-target).


Op 11-3-2010 15:52, Darren.Mansell at opengi.co.uk schreef:
> I’ve been reading the DRBD Pacemaker guide on the DRBD.org site and I’m
> not sure I can find the answer to my question.
> Imagine a scenario:
> (NodeA
> NodeB
> Order and group:
> M/S DRBD Promote/Demote
> FS Mount
> Other resource that depends on the F/S mount
> DRBD master location score of 100 on NodeA)
> NodeA is down, resources failover to NodeB and everything happily runs
> for days. When NodeA is brought back online it isn’t treated as
> split-brain as a normal demote/promote would happen. But the data on
> NodeA would be very old and possibly take a long time to sync from NodeB.
> What would happen in this scenario? Would the RA defer the promote until
> the sync is completed? Would the inability to promote cause the failback
> to not happen and a resource cleanup is required once the sync has
> completed?
> I guess this is really down to how advanced the Linbit DRBD RA is?
> Thanks
> Darren
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