[Pacemaker] snmp-subagent with openais returns only LHAResource-entries

Tom Tux tomtux80 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 9 08:43:48 UTC 2010

Hi all,

I'm trying to get several informations with the snmp-agent (hbagent)
on a sles11-system (openais & pacemaker). I've defined the global
environment-variable "HA_cluster_type=openais".

My problem is, that I only receive snmp-values (with snmpwalk) from
the oid "enterprises.4682". This means, that I only got
LHAResource-informations and no other cluster-based-infos like
LHAStronith, LHADeadTime, LHANodeStatus etc..etc.

I read somewhere, that this is a problem or restricition when the
cluster runs with openais (instead of heartbeat).

Any hints?
Thanks a lot.

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