[Pacemaker] Question about fallback of resource group

philipp.achmueller at arz.at philipp.achmueller at arz.at
Tue Mar 2 16:59:28 UTC 2010


configuration and behavoir:

$ crm configure show
node lnx0012a \
        attributes standby="off"
node lnx0012b \
        attributes standby="on"
primitive pingd ocf:heartbeat:pingd \
        params host_list="" multiplier="100" \
        op monitor interval="15s" timeout="20s"
primitive testIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
        params ip="" nic="eth1" \
        op monitor interval="10s"
group testRG pingd testIP
property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
        dc-version="1.0.5-05c8b63cbca7ce95182bb41881b3c5677f20bd5c" \
        expected-quorum-votes="2" \
        cluster-infrastructure="openais" \
        stonith-enabled="false" \
        no-quorum-policy="ignore" \

$ crm_mon --one-shot -V
Last updated: Tue Mar  2 17:41:05 2010
Stack: openais
Current DC: lnx0012a - partition with quorum
Version: 1.0.5-05c8b63cbca7ce95182bb41881b3c5677f20bd5c
2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
1 Resources configured.

Online: [ lnx0012b lnx0012a ]

Resource Group: testRG
    pingd       (ocf::heartbeat:pingd): Started lnx0012a
    testIP      (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started lnx0012a


changing state of active node "lnx0012a" to standby the RG moves to 
seconde node "lnx0012b"
$ crm node standby lnx0012a

$ crm_mon --one-shot -V
Node lnx0012a: standby
Online: [ lnx0012b ]

Resource Group: testRG
    pingd       (ocf::heartbeat:pingd): Started lnx0012b
    testIP      (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started lnx0012b


after reintegrate lnx0012a to the cluster the "testRG" moves back to 
$ crm node online lnx0012a

$ crm_mon --one-shot -V
Online: [ lnx0012b lnx0012a ]

Resource Group: testRG
    pingd       (ocf::heartbeat:pingd): Started lnx0012a
    testIP      (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started lnx0012a

how to prevent falling back the RG after reintegrate first node in the 


after manual move i see the rsc_location in configuration:

      <rsc_location id="cli-prefer-testRG" rsc="testRG">
        <rule id="cli-prefer-rule-testRG" score="INFINITY" 
          <expression id="cli-prefer-expr-testRG" attribute="#uname" 
operation="eq" value="lnx0012a" type="string"/>

$ crm configure delete cli-prefer-testRG

but this didn't work, the RG still fall back to lnx0012a

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