[Pacemaker] Migrate from HB_gui and xm migrate <domainid> -l

Yan Gao ygao at novell.com
Thu Jun 24 05:42:14 UTC 2010


On 06/24/10 05:01, Roberto Giordani wrote:
> Hello,
> how is the difference between  a MIGRATE command from the Pacemaker gui
> and the  "xm migrate domainid -l " command?
> Both are a Live Migration?
The "Migrate" from the GUI does the same thing as "crm_resource -M" , which
tries to move a resource by creating a location constraint. If you've set
the meta attribute allow-migrate="true" for a resource, when it's moved,
instead of a "stop" action and then a "start" on the target node, "migrate_to"
and "migrate_from" of the RA will be invoking to achieve the moving. If it's
a Xen resource, that actually does "xm migrate --live".

Yan Gao <ygao at novell.com>
Software Engineer
China Server Team, OPS Engineering, Novell, Inc.

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