[Pacemaker] Issues with constraints - working for start/stop, being ignored on "failures"

Dejan Muhamedagic dejanmm at fastmail.fm
Tue Jun 8 17:32:55 UTC 2010


On Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 07:07:32PM -0600, Tim Serong wrote:
> On 6/2/2010 at 11:10 AM, Cnut Jansen <work at cnutjansen.eu> wrote: 
> > Am 31.05.2010 05:47, schrieb Tim Serong: 
> > > On 5/31/2010 at 12:57 PM, Cnut Jansen<work at cnutjansen.eu>  wrote: 
> > > 
> > >> Current constraints: 
> > >> colocation TEST_colocO2cb inf: cloneO2cb cloneDlm 
> > >> colocation colocGrpMysql inf: grpMysql cloneMountMysql 
> > >> colocation colocMountMysql_drbd inf: cloneMountMysql msDrbdMysql:Master 
> > >> colocation colocMountMysql_o2cb inf: cloneMountMysql cloneO2cb 
> > >> colocation colocMountOpencms_drbd inf: cloneMountOpencms  
> > msDrbdOpencms:Master 
> > >> colocation colocMountOpencms_o2cb inf: cloneMountOpencms cloneO2cb 
> > >> colocation colocTomcat inf: cloneTomcat cloneMountOpencms:Started 
> > >> order TEST_orderO2cb 0: cloneDlm cloneO2cb 
> > >> order orderGrpMysql 0: cloneMountMysql:start grpMysql 
> > >> order orderMountMysql_drbd 0: msDrbdMysql:promote cloneMountMysql:start 
> > >> order orderMountMysql_o2cb 0: cloneO2cb cloneMountMysql 
> > >> order orderMountOpencms_drbd 0: msDrbdOpencms:promote  
> > cloneMountOpencms:start 
> > >> order orderMountOpencms_o2cb 0: cloneO2cb cloneMountOpencms 
> > >> order orderTomcat 0: cloneMountOpencms:start cloneTomcat 
> > >> 
> > > Try specifying "inf" for those ordering scores rather than zero. 
> > > Ordering constraints with score="0" are considered optional and only 
> > > have an effect when both resources are starting or stopping.  You 
> > > should also be able to leave out the ":start" specifiers as this is 
> > > implicit. 
> > > 
> > About those ":start" specifiers on the mount-resources's order  
> > constraints you're of course right, and I also allready knew about that.  
> > They're just remains from some tests (probably seek for (other?)  
> > workarounds or something) I did, which I only - due to their (to my  
> > knowledge) harmless redundancy - so far allways forgot to remove again  
> > when doing other, more relevant/important changes. you know, due to the  
> > crm-shell's (which I currently use for editing my configuration)  
> > canceling all resource monitor operations on the node the crm-shell is  
> > started on, I prefer to avoid starting it as much as possible for  
> > allways having to make sure I afterwards made all monitor operations run  
> > again (i.e. switch cluster's maintenance-mode on/off or switch node to  
> > standby and back online). 
> Say what?  The CRM shell shouldn't be canceling ops...

True. Though there was a dreadful bug found in cluster-glue that
is exhibited by using crm. If that is the case, please upgrade.



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