[Pacemaker] Shouldn't colocation -inf: be mandatory?

Vadym Chepkov vchepkov at gmail.com
Thu Jun 3 13:16:25 UTC 2010


Not sure what I am doing wrong

primitive dummy1 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy
primitive dummy2 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy
primitive dummy3 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy

only two nodes alive in 3 node cluster, so I can see two dummy resources started on one node:

 dummy2	(ocf::pacemaker:Dummy):	Started c20
 dummy1	(ocf::pacemaker:Dummy):	Started c20
 dummy3	(ocf::pacemaker:Dummy):	Started c22

Now I want to have only one resource running on one node at any given time, so I created a constraint:

# crm configure show one-dummy
colocation one-dummy -inf: ( dummy1 dummy2 dummy3 )

# cibadmin -Q -o constraints
  <rsc_colocation id="one-dummy" score="-INFINITY">
    <resource_set id="one-dummy-0" sequential="false">
      <resource_ref id="dummy1"/>
      <resource_ref id="dummy2"/>
      <resource_ref id="dummy3"/>

I would expect one of the dummies to be down at this point. But it is not.
Maybe pacemaker can't decide which one, I thought, so I set a priority:

# crm resource dummy1 meta priority="10"

Still no dice.


What am I missing?

Thank you,
Vadym Chepkov

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