[Pacemaker] Active/passive cluster with Apache and drbd on rhel 5

Dan Frincu dfrincu at streamwide.ro
Mon Jul 5 09:30:05 UTC 2010

Hello all,
I'm currently studying how to set up a 2 node cluster running apache 2.2 
as a reverse proxy using corosync, pacemaker and drbd on RHEL 5.5.
I've downloaded:
- Clusters from scratch PDF (which is perfect... but for fedora 13 which 
includes DRBD in the kernel)
- the yum repo: http://www.clusterlabs.org/rpm/epel-5/clusterlabs.repo

As DRBD is not included in RHEL 5, I've launched the following command:
yum install drbd

It works perfectly... but when installing drbd, the package drbd-xen is 
marked as a dependancy, resulting in the XEN kernel being installed on the 
RHEL 5 box. This is not a big issue, but I would prefer not to install XEN 
on the box.
Is it possible?

Thanks in advance, and excuse my english mistakes,


Hello Pierre,

I've had the same issue and resorted to rebuilding the RPM's from SRC RPM's. The process can be complex, but I will show the steps I've taken to make it easier.
- first setup mock for building RPM's chrooted (thus you use one system to build for any arch, x86_86, i686, etc.) => http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Projects/Mock
- install yum-utils, this provides yumdownloader command
- the yum repo is already configured so I'll skip this step
- using "yumdownloader --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=clusterlabs drbd --source" you get the SRC RPM for drbd. Then it's a simple matter of installing the RPM and editing the .spec file in /usr/src/redhat/SPECS, removing the XEN dependencies, then building the RPM according to the Mock How-To

Hope this helps.


Internal Support Engineer

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