[Pacemaker] DRBD - mixed master/slave oddity

William Seligman seligman at nevis.columbia.edu
Mon Jul 19 19:54:29 UTC 2010

I had an unusual experience in setting up a Pacemaker+DRBD configuration that I
thought I'd offer for comment.

I have two nodes on my HA cluster; for now, let's call them Main and Assistant.
I have two DRBD resources, Admin and Work. I wanted my standard resource
allocation to be that Admin would be master on Main and slave on Assistant, and
Work be master on Assistant and slave on Main.

Setting up Admin to be Master on main posed no problems; it was textbook (I'm
omitting the location statements that set the "IP groups" to prefer to be on
specific nodes):

configure primitive AdminDrbd ocf:linbit:drbd params drbd_resource=admin \
   op monitor interval=60s
configure master Admin AdminDrbd meta master-max=1 master-node-max=1 \
   clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true globally-unique=false
configure colocation AdminWithMainIP inf: Admin:Master MainIPGroup

But thing didn't work when I tried to set it up for Work:

configure primitive WorkDrbd ocf:linbit:drbd params drbd_resource=work \
   op monitor interval=60s
configure master Work WorkDrbd meta master-max=1 master-node-max=1 \
   clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true globally-unique=false
configure colocation WorkWithAssistantIP inf: Work:Master AssistantIPGroup

What happened was that Work would not be promoted to Master on either Admin or
Main. The log file just said "failed to promote" without any other failure
indication. I knew the problem wasn't with DRBD, since if I turned off corosync
and just used the DRBD service with drbdadm, I could set Work to primary on the
assistant node.

If I forced Work to be master on the Main node:

configure colocation WorkWithMainIP inf: Work:Master MainIPGroup

... it worked fine, promoting Work on the Main node.

The solution turned out to be not to use "infinity" in that final colocation

configure colocation WorkPrefersAssistant 1000: Work:Master AssistantIPGroup

Then Pacemaker promoted Work on Assistant with no complaints. So it didn't it
when forced, but only did it when asked.

Any thoughts? 



I'll post the complete configuration files if anyone is interested.

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