[Pacemaker] No connection from crm, cib, ... to ais components

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Mon Jan 25 11:20:36 UTC 2010

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 1:40 PM, Michael Schwartzkopff
<misch at multinet.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a new openais 11.2 with pacemaker/corosync installed from clusterlabs
> repository.
> corosync seems to work. But pacmaker makes problems. Logs:
> Jan 22 13:32:00 linux-h3m0 corosync[17531]:   [pcmk  ] info: update_member:
> Node 36773292/linux-h3m0 is now: member
> Jan 22 13:32:00 linux-h3m0 attrd: [17540]: info: Invoked:
> /usr/lib/heartbeat/attrd
> Jan 22 13:32:00 linux-h3m0 corosync[17531]:   [pcmk  ] info: spawn_child:
> Forked child 17537 for process stonithd
> Jan 22 13:32:00 linux-h3m0 attrd: [17540]: info: main: Starting up
> Jan 22 13:32:00 linux-h3m0 attrd: [17540]: info: init_ais_connection: Creating
> connection to our AIS plugin
> Jan 22 13:32:00 linux-h3m0 attrd: [17540]: info: init_ais_connection:
> Connection to our AIS plugin (9) failed: Try again (6)
> Jan 22 13:32:00 linux-h3m0 corosync[17531]:   [pcmk  ] info: spawn_child:
> Forked child 17540 for process attrd
> All other processes (cib, crm, lrmd, ... ) also cannot connect to the AIS
> plugins and thus pacemaker does not work.
> Any ideas?

Try turning debug on and giving us the rest of the logs

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