[Pacemaker] suggested _doc_ cleanups in pacemaker source repo (broken links and obsolete stuff)

Lars Ellenberg lars.ellenberg at linbit.com
Thu Jan 28 12:31:54 UTC 2010

	is the old moinmoin wiki, and should no longer be referenced.
www.linux-ha.org/* is the moinmoin content "transcluded",
	and should no longer be referenced either.

(www.linux-ha.org or linux-ha.org is the same thing, btw).

clusterlabs.org or
linux-ha.org/wiki/* is where we should point to, if we have to. 
linux-ha.org/  redirects now to linux-ha.org/wiki/Main_Page

To reduce the amount of broken links
or references to outdated www.linux-ha.org/* information, do

	pacemaker.stable-1.0# grep -r linux-ha.org *
	(result see below)

I suggest that README.in be replaced. It is a leftover from
heartbeat CVS of 10 years ago.  Mabe just remove it, or put in a
reference to clusterlabs.org

	please remove the reference to HostBasedAuthentication
	(just the link. the explanation is fine)

	please remove or update DirectoryMap, crm_fencing.txt
	please remove faqntips.html

	You may want to remove a few of the other docs there, too.
	Most of them probably have been obsoleted by the "Explained" document,
	or simply by time passing by.

	can we drop the references to OCFResourceAgent,
	and HeartbeatResourceAgent?
	or move that information to some page in clusterlabs.org?

	as recently discussed on irc, this seems no longer be of
	much use.  it should be updated to reasonably work again,
	and not point to ResourceAgent or be removed/replaced with
	some haresources -> crm shell conversion tool.

	can we drop the reference to v2/Concepts/Clones,
	and simply point to the Explained documents instead?

Other comments?


README.in:For more information on the project, see the web site at linux-ha.org.
README.in:      http://linux-ha.org/contact/

cts/README:How to set up host based authentication (http://wiki.linux-ha.org/HostBasedAuthentication)

doc/DirectoryMap.txt:   http://linux-ha.org/comm/
doc/DirectoryMap.txt:   http://linux-ha.org/heartbeat/PILS.pdf -- slides from PILS talk
doc/DirectoryMap.txt:   http://linux-ha.org/heartbeat/pils.pdf -- paper on PILS

doc/crm_fencing.txt:http://www.linux-ha.org/SBD_Fencing for more details.

doc/faqntips.html:    <li><a href="#RPM">When I try to install the linux-ha.org heartbeat RPMs,
doc/faqntips.html: href="http://linux-ha.org/contact/">http://linux-ha.org/contact/</a>.<br>
doc/faqntips.html:    <a href="http://www.linux-ha.org">http://linux-ha.org</a> <br>
doc/faqntips.html:find  it at cvs.linux-ha.org.  Read-only access is via login guest,      password
doc/faqntips.html: href="http://cvs.linux-ha.org/viewcvs/viewcvs.cgi/linux-ha/">http://cvs.linux-ha.org/viewcvs/viewcvs.cgi/linux-ha/</a></li>

doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ap-FAQ.xml:             <listitem><para>Heartbeat (<ulink url="http://linux-ha.org/"/>)</para></listitem>
doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Resources.xml: <para>For more information, see <ulink url="http://wiki.linux-ha.org/OCFResourceAgent"/> and <xref linkend="ap-ocf"/>.</para>
doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Ch-Resources.xml: <para>For more information, see: <ulink url="http://wiki.linux-ha.org/HeartbeatResourceAgent"/></para>
doc/Pacemaker_Explained/en-US/Pacemaker_Explained.xml:      <listitem><para>Heartbeat configuration: <ulink url="http://www.linux-ha.org/"/></para></listitem>

tools/haresources2cib.py.in:                    "Please refer to http://www.linux-ha.org/ResourceAgent\n")

xml/crm-1.0.dtd:   See http://linux-ha.org/v2/Concepts/Clones for more information on notify actions
xml/crm-transitional.dtd:   See http://linux-ha.org/v2/Concepts/Clones for more information on notify actions

: Lars Ellenberg
: LINBIT | Your Way to High Availability
: DRBD/HA support and consulting http://www.linbit.com

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