[Pacemaker] pacemaker on a gentoo system - mgmtd error

thomas polnik thomas at polnik.de
Tue Jan 26 12:19:42 EST 2010


> You probably need to install a thing called pacemaker-mgmt or
> similar. In older incarnations, it could have been
> pacemaker-pygui.

I thank you for your answer.

The pacemaker-pygui is installed on the management system but I can't
connect the cluster systems with the gui. (There are no firewall
problems, because the clusters systems are running on the same systems
as virtualbox instances and I have not any iptables rules on my test

The "mgmtd subsystem" listen on port 5560/tcp, but on the cluster
systems this port is closed and there is no mgmtd process.

 \_ /usr/lib/heartbeat/stonithd
 \_ /usr/lib/heartbeat/cib
 \_ /usr/lib/heartbeat/lrmd
 \_ /usr/lib/heartbeat/attrd
 \_ /usr/lib/heartbeat/pengine
 \_ /usr/lib/heartbeat/crmd

# ls /usr/lib/heartbeat/mgmtd
ls: cannot access /usr/lib/heartbeat/mgmtd: No such file or directory

I check the corosync.conf, I enabled the mgmtd subsytem.

service {
  ver:       0
  name:      pacemaker
  use_mgmtd: yes

Software on the cluster systems:

pacemaker 1.0.6
corosync 1.2.0
cluster-glue 1.0.2_rc2
resource-agents 1.0.2_rc2
openais 1.1.1

So I think, I made perhaps an compile/installation mistake, but at the
moment I don't know, where should I start.

Best Regards,
thomas polnik.

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